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August 14, 2009
Society of Wine Educators Tasting

The Society of Wine Educators held their annual conference in Sacramento the last week of July and concluded the festivities with an in depth tasting of Spring Mountain wines on Saturday, August 1 in the caves at Pride Mountain Vineyards. The Society’s goal is to foster and promote the professional education and development of the individual in particular, and the professional education and development of the wine industry as a whole. Pride’s own Scott Stooker is a member of the Society and helped lead a discussion panel explaining both the diversity and similarities of Spring Mountain District terroir, philosophy, and production. In addition to the wines of Pride Mountain Vineyards, selections by Vineyard 7 & 8, Fantesca, Guilliams, Keenan, Paloma, Barnett, Cain, Schweiger, Spring Mountain Vineyards, Newton & Erna Schein were featured at the structured tasting and served at the luncheon that followed.